Photo of Catherine Bushen
Catherine Bushen
Marketing Content Writer
Marketing content writer enthusiastic about healthcare-related topics, especially when it comes to digital solutions that can have a positive impact on patients and providers.
Virtual triage for public health and governments

Virtual triage for public health and governments

Benefits of virtual triage for public health and governments—navigating patients, improving access, crisis management, increasing use of preventative services.

Connecting care: How Healthdirect helps up to 26 million people access healthcare with Infermedica

Connecting care: How Healthdirect helps up to 26 million people access healthcare with Infermedica

Learn how the implementation of Infermedica’s AI tools is helping 26 million Australians have a connected, efficient, and user-friendly healthcare experience.

Virtual triage for health plans: 9 benefits that redefine care

Virtual triage for health plans: 9 benefits that redefine care

Discover the key advantages of virtual triage for health plans, such as efficiency, accessibility, cost savings, and improved patient outcomes.

8 questions to answer before investing in virtual triage

8 questions to answer before investing in virtual triage

Before investing in virtual triage for your health plan or public health system, consider these top questions and Infermedica’s evidence-based results.

Guide to virtual triage symptom checkers

Guide to virtual triage symptom checkers

An explanation of virtual triage symptom checkers, the benefits, challenges, key features, and applications across healthcare industries

Influencing patient behavior with virtual triage

Influencing patient behavior with virtual triage

How can virtual triage affect patient behavior and guide patients to the most appropriate care? Discover compelling stats from peer-reviewed papers

Improving patient-centered care with AI

Improving patient-centered care with AI

Discover how AI is reshaping patient-centered care by driving patient engagement and guiding them to the most appropriate care setting

Clinically-verified AI in the payer ecosystem: an ideal member journey

Clinically-verified AI in the payer ecosystem: an ideal member journey

Watch this short animation demonstrating an ideal member and physician journey using AI-enhanced healthcare solutions

Regulating AI in healthcare: Fall 2023 observations — Part two

Regulating AI in healthcare: Fall 2023 observations — Part two

An overview of the challenges faced by regulators and the responsibility of manufacturers regarding the regulation of AI in healthcare in 2023.

Regulating AI in healthcare: Fall 2023 observations — Part one

Regulating AI in healthcare: Fall 2023 observations — Part one

Learn about the current regulations for the use of AI in healthcare and discover how the UK, the US, and the EU are taking different approaches.

Navigating the intersection of trust, AI, and healthcare

Navigating the intersection of trust, AI, and healthcare

6 steps to building trust in healthcare AI while remaining true and accurate regarding expectations and limitations.

ED overutilization: Changing patient habits with AI-powered solutions

ED overutilization: Changing patient habits with AI-powered solutions

Understand why patients are misusing EDs and find solutions to mold new behaviors in your customers.