

How it works

At Infermedica, we design and develop our AI to carefully assist and elevate the healthcare experience for everyone. With Infermedica's AI, the future of healthcare becomes attainable, making quality medical assistance accessible, accurate and convenient for everyone. Our AI system revolves around three fundamental elements.

World-class medical inference engine

At the core of our AI lies a medical inference engine capable of analyzing patients' symptoms and performing medical reasoning tasks. The engine is specifically tailored to perform medical assessment mirroring the approach of a skilled professional.

Medical Knowledge Base in the center

Our engine leverages evidence-based medical knowledge, carefully curated and structured into a comprehensive proprietary Medical Knowledge Base. As a result, our approach to AI guarantees maximum accuracy in determining the potential underlying cause of any given set of symptoms, and suggesting the most appropriate level of care.

Natural language processing

Our intuitive NLP technology empowers users and patients to express their symptoms and complaints effortlessly in everyday language, bridging the communication gap and ensuring a more seamless and human-like healthcare interaction.


Infermedica AI:
the healthcare of tomorrow
delivered today

Infermedica AIInfermedica AIInfermedica AIInfermedica AIInfermedica AIInfermedica AI

OUR Technology

Infermedica AI: the healthcare of tomorrow delivered today

Illustration of the Infermedica platform layersIllustration of the Infermedica platform layers

Infermedica AI

How it works

At Infermedica, we design and develop our AI to carefully assist and elevate the healthcare experience for everyone. With Infermedica's AI, the future of healthcare becomes attainable, making quality medical assistance accessible, accurate and convenient for everyone. Our AI system revolves around three fundamental elements.

World-class medical 
inference engine

At the core of our AI lies a medical inference engine capable of analyzing patients' symptoms and performing medical reasoning tasks. The engine is specifically tailored to perform medical assessment mirroring the approach of a skilled professional.

Medical Knowledge Base 
in the center

Our engine leverages evidence-based medical knowledge, carefully curated and structured into a comprehensive proprietary Medical Knowledge Base. As a result, our approach to AI guarantees maximum accuracy in determining the potential underlying cause of any given set of symptoms, and suggesting the most appropriate level of care.

Natural language processing

Our intuitive NLP technology empowers users and patients to express their symptoms and complaints effortlessly in everyday language, bridging the communication gap and ensuring a more seamless and human-like healthcare interaction. 

An illustration showing three layers of Infermedica platform

We work with top-class AI scientists

More than 10 years of research and development

author image

Pau Rué

VP of Artificial Intelligence

Photo of Adam Radziszewski

Adam Radziszewski

Lead Applied Scientist

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Bartosz Kijanka

Lead Software Developer

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Maciej Kasiński

Lead Applied Scientist

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Maciej Kwiatkowski

Senior Software Developer

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Małgorzata Świątkowska

Applied Scientist

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Michał Jóźwiak

Senior R&D Engineer

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Michał Kosturek

Applied Scientist Tech Lead

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Zofia Trzaskalik

Software Developer

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Jakub Jaszczak, MD

Senior Product Manager

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Grzegorz Szydłak

Senior Product Manager

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Sebastian Chojnowski

Data Analyst

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Marta Olender

QA Engineer

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Arkadiusz Szydełko

IT Architect

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Jędrzej Suchowiecki

Senior QA Engineer

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Michał Karaś

Senior Backend Engineer

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Marcin Senk

Backend Engineer

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Marta Jarosz

Senior Product Designer

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Radosław Kuczyński

Engineering Manager

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Pau Rué

VP of Artificial Intelligence

Photo of Adam Radziszewski

Adam Radziszewski

Lead Applied Scientist

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Bartosz Kijanka

Lead Software Developer

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Maciej Kasiński

Lead Applied Scientist

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Maciej Kwiatkowski

Senior Software Developer

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Małgorzata Świątkowska

Applied Scientist

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Michał Jóźwiak

Senior R&D Engineer

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Michał Kosturek

Applied Scientist Tech Lead

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Zofia Trzaskalik

Software Developer

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Jakub Jaszczak, MD

Senior Product Manager

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Grzegorz Szydłak

Senior Product Manager

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Sebastian Chojnowski

Data Analyst

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Marta Olender

QA Engineer

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Arkadiusz Szydełko

IT Architect

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Jędrzej Suchowiecki

Senior QA Engineer

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Michał Karaś

Senior Backend Engineer

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Marcin Senk

Backend Engineer

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Marta Jarosz

Senior Product Designer

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Radosław Kuczyński

Engineering Manager

Quote icon

Healthcare is a high stakes domain, and we must remain vigilant in managing the development of AI to ensure that its benefits far outweigh any potential pitfalls. At Infermedica, we are deeply committed to developing safe, accurate AI solutions for medical support, upholding the highest standards of clinical testing and validation. Our dedication to responsible innovation will help pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for all.

Pau Rué

AI Researcher and Innovator

Our AI deserves your trust

Extensive clinical validation

Clinical safety is non-negotiable when incorporating AI into healthcare practices. Our solution undergoes regular testing through assessments conducted on thousands of well-documented clinical cases. Our dedicated Clinical Validation team ensures the accuracy of the results.

Learn more →

Clinical safety is non-negotiable when incorporating AI into healthcare practices. Our solution undergoes regular testing through assessments conducted on thousands of well-documented clinical cases. Our dedicated Clinical Validation team ensures the accuracy of the results.

Learn more →

Certified medical device

We adhere to strict compliance standards, including HIPAA and GDPR regulations. Our modules are classified as Class I Medical Devices in the EU, meeting all necessary requirements. Additionally, our Quality Management System complies with PN-EN ISO 13485:2016, and our processes and development procedures are certified with ISO 27001:2017.

Proven through global use

Our solution has been utilized over 18 million times, with more than 100 companies across the globe relying on our Medical Guidance Platform. These companies have conducted comprehensive testing of our technology, demonstrating its safety and fairness across diverse geographical areas, populations, and ethnicities.

Explainable outcomes

The main advantages of our solution are traceable and explainable outcomes, easy debuggability, and a clear source. By offering explanations, we foster trust among our users and patients, empowering them to more effectively follow our AI recommendations.

Our Difference

True physician input and expertise

Our AI is developed in collaboration with a medical team who has spent more than 84,000 hours working on our Medical Guidance Platform. This collaboration ensures the exceptional quality of our solution, along with an empathetic and caring approach.


companies using our solutions 


exceptionally high NPS


health checks globally





the core of our solution

Quality content in the center

At the core of our solution lies an expansive medical database, encompassing thousands of symptoms, risk factors, and conditions. The precise connections between them have been meticulously sourced and verified by our team of experienced physicians. To ensure the utmost accuracy, they rely on proven and reliable sources of medical knowledge and adhere to scientific principles of clinical validation.






risk factors


hours of physican input


medical experts engaged

Frequently asked questions

Let's discuss your challenges

Fill in the form to connect with our team of experts. We’d be thrilled to help you find the right path to reducing costs and improving your patient experience.