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Intelligent health insurance
The future of health insurance is here. I have been exploring the various ways the triage experience is being reinvented.
How AI is changing cancer care and research?
The potential for artificial intelligence to disrupt healthcare and health systems is becoming evident. In this article we explore the AI-powered future of cancer care and research.
Why it’s hard to develop a conversational Alexa skill
Developing an Alexa skill that executes simple commands is pretty straightforward. But when you want to engage the user in a conversation, things get much more complex. Here’s why.
17 New Stats on Digital Health Adoption
It is the time to rethink the way we look at digital health. Seventeen stats show the evolution of the healthcare world.
Clinician’s perspective of AI in healthcare
AI is a transformative technology that will touch almost all aspects of one’s life, especially as life becomes more digital.
10 ways that AI is shaking up healthcare - Part 2
We already discussed 5 of the 10 ways that Artificial Intelligence is shaking up healthcare. We explore more amazing examples.
10 ways that AI is shaking up healthcare - Part 1
As an MD, I admit that we don't see this revolution in our daily lives, yet these technologies are advancing medicine at incredible speeds.
Introduction to chatbots in healthcare
See how technologies powering chatbots evolved since 1996, gained popularity, and helped to resolve key problems in healthcare.
What we’ve learned from 500,000 online symptom checkups
An analysis of over 500k anonymous user interactions gathered in Symptomate and learn who uses symptom checkers.
APIs: Why you should rethink your IT strategy?
API revolutionizes the way applications communicate. See our overview of API technology and its usage in healthcare applications.
Three challenges you’re going to face when building a chatbot
Developing your own medical chatbot? Challenges and lessons learned from developing Symptomate.