Solv Health: Leveraging an intelligent triaging tool to drive 2x in-network appointment bookings 

Solv empowers patients with a digital front door where they can find affordable services where and when they need them. Solv wanted to find tools that would improve the loyalty of their user base as well as providing more data in regards to patient needs and case urgency. In the end, Infermedica’s tool managed to drive 25% of users to visit booking. 

Key learnings


high satisfaction scores for members using Symptom Checker


conversion rate from Symptom Checker to booking system


decided to book a consultation, 
even if they hadn't initially planned to


more bookings among those who used Symptom Checker vs those who hadn't

Meet Solv

Solv partners with high-quality providers nationwide to provide quality, convenient care that’s simple, friendly, and transparent for patients. Thanks to their platform, over 100 million users in the US can access same-day or next-day care, in person or virtually.  Solv not only connects patients with providers, but also shortens the patient journey, reduces wait times, and simplifies registration. 

  • 1 in 16 patients used Solv to schedule care
  • 80% of Solv patients see a provider within 48 hours of booking
  • 87% of Solv patients received everything they needed during a tele-visit

The challenge: navigation of urgent care patients

Solv wanted to get patients to the right care faster. This would create better health outcomes for patients and a better bottom line for Solv. 

“We wanted to find an opportunity to help users at an earlier stage in their journey, and direct them to the appropriate level of care within our platform, whether that would be video, in person, or even ER” says Oscar Newman, Product Engineering Lead at Solv.

Solv sought technology that would help them:

  • Detect and navigate urgent care patients quickly
  • Improve patient loyalty and retention
  • Increase telemedicine use
  • Segment users more effectively

After reviewing and testing available solutions in the market, Solv selected Infermedica API due to its strong testing results.

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We're honored to partner with the patient-centric team at Solv. Together, we'll be able to create an unmatched patient experience and help Solv quickly get patients to exactly where they need to be.

Amanda Bury, MS

Chief Commercial Officer at Infermedica

The solution: extensive symptom checker

Infermedica began building the solution while Solv continued testing the Infermedica API. Solv implemented a full suite of tools including Symptom Checker and a variety of extensions to make the patient journey more engaging, educational, and comprehensive.

“Infermedica’s API sandbox was AWESOME for prototyping. I was able to build and pitch the new solution during a 3-day offsite in 2021, and it was really easy with the API provided”, adds Oscar Newman, Product Engineering Lead at Solv.

Key learnings

Engagement for all

Solv provides a breadth of services (urgent care, everyday health, women’s health, and testing) to adults and pediatric patients. Implementing Infermedica API allowed them to offer Symptom Checker to their entire user base. With clinically validated medical content, Infermedica API supports not only patients, but also their caregivers (parents, spouses, and other family members caring for their loved ones).

Banner on webpage

Users see an invitation to run a symptom check from  the homepage, clinics directory, and blog.

User identification

The user can pick whether they’re seeking information for themselves or someone else.

Engaging interview

After adding their initial symptoms and answering some questions, the member learned that non-urgent consultation with a doctor was advised.

Understanding user needs early 

The symptom checker, based on Infermedica API, guides users through a short, easy-to-follow, medical interview that asks about their symptoms and risk factors. The process takes just a few minutes and helps users gain a better understanding of their health. At the same time, the tool leads them though a segmentation process that helps identify urgent cases sooner.

Collecting patients’ symptoms 

The interview asks users to add their initial symptoms and learns more about them in the series of questions.

Checking users’ initial intent

The tool asks users about the type of care they’re seeking.

Focus on conversion to booking

The results screen displays a recommendation based on reported symptoms and invites users to  schedule a visit, driving traffic to the right high-quality providers.

Driving user empowerment

Solv’s symptom checker gives patients case-specific medical information, education, and scheduling options for healthcare services within their network. Throughout the journey, patients see prominently displayed buttons to schedule an appointment that’s convenient for them, taking into account factors like triage level, location, and insurance. This helps get patients to the care they need without incurring unnecessary out-of-network costs.  

Funneling patients to the right care

When learning more about their possible conditions, patients are prompted to connect with a provider. 

Pre-filtered care options

Available providers are sorted by specialty and communication channel.

In-network, every time

Solv’s booking system takes filters providers based on the user’s insurance.

Results: user satisfaction and high conversions

The early version of Solv’s symptom checker was released in October 2022. The results were outstanding. Testing showed 3% of users clicked through to the new service, which was comparable other core services. There was no doubt that the new tool was answering many latent users’ needs. The new symptom checker was available for all of Solv’s users shortly thereafter.


completed interviews 


Symptom Checker NPS


completion rate

High user satisfaction

Solv’s focus on a seamless, enjoyable user experience has paid off. Users rate the tool 8.05/10. Their net promoter score (NPS) is over 42 points.

Doubled conversions rates

Over 56% of users complete the symptom checker, and more than 25% of users continue to schedule an appointment with a provider (twice as many as those who don’t use the symptom checker).

Preventive care opportunities

Over 13% of users who didn’t initially plan to see a doctor were connected with a provider to help catch potential health issues early.

Increased loyalty

“We have observed that users who complete the symptom checker flow are about as likely to return to Solv, as users who make an urgent care booking on Solv. This is to say, both groups are about 2x as likely to return as a baseline Solv user who does not book or use symptom checker," says Oscar Newman, Product Engineering Lead at Solv.

Key summary

Solv is looking forward to leveraging Infermedica API in new, creative ways. By presenting clinically appropriate triage recommendations and tailored educational content, Solv can engage patients and address health issues sooner and more frequently. In fact, conversion rates have increased among patients that read educational content within the symptom checker.  

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It is important to say that the symptom checker is at the beginning of its journey and we are still learning about its value. We are sure that with more data collected and analyzed, we will be able to see benefits for returning users, marketers, and user segmentation, allowing us to achieve even more.

Oscar Newman

Product Engineering Lead at Solv

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