Provide the most accurate and efficient
care with Infermedica's symptom checker and virtual triage
Your symptoms
Has the cough improved or become less intense over the past week?
Possible conditions
Next steps
We’ve helped hundreds of organizations since 2012
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Platform modules
Need additional workflows? Book a demo to explore API integration options!
Helping 100+ global customers in over 32 countries, available in 24 languages
Up to highest standards of quality and data security
Module marked as Class I Medical Device
Quality Management System certified with PN-EN ISO 13485:2016
Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation
LEI Code: 984500NIA7B8AFF75 805
Compliant with standards for patient data protection
Processes and Development Procedures certified with ISO 27001:2017
System and Organization Controls 2® Compliant
Discover the power of clinically validated AI
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